Website Update
Posted: Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:01
As you will no doubt have noticed, the Computer Arts Society website is undergoing some major changes. The motivation for this is the forthcoming CAS50 year of activities that we will be announcing shortly.
The plan is to undergo a complete content review starting in March 2018, with the aim of creating a comprehensive searchable archive of all on-line CAS resources. We will then introduce a new events guide that will feature digital and computer arts events from CAS partners, as well as our own activities. Next will be a fresh look and feel for the website (what you see now is temporary while we reorganise the content), search engine reindexing, some training for a new team of website editors, the start of a new CAS Blog and finally the launch of the new website in May 2018 to coincide with the start of CAS50.
The searchable archive will become a central part of the new website and we are looking for people to contribute any CAS related archival materials they may have. We are particularly interested in video materials. Get in touch at if you have anything that you think may be of interest.