Interaction - the Art and the Science

Mon, 27 Feb 2012

Interaction - the Art and the Science

6:30 for 7:00pm Monday 23 January 2006

Speaker: George Mallen

The Computer Arts Society
Public Meeting
System Simulation Ltd.
Bedford Chambers
The Piazza
Covent Garden

We begin our 2006 program (& best wishes for this New Year to everyone!) with an open discussion led by George Mallen of System Simulation. George is an original co-founder of the Computer Arts Society and his involvement in human computer interaction dates back to his work with Gordon Pask at Systems Research in the 1960's. He was closely involved in the development of the Eco Dome - one of the first large scale immersive interactive artworks - that was first exhibited at the CAS Show Interact in 1973.

Computer Arts Society Archive

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