Beyond the Screen
Mon, 27 Feb 2012

6:30 for 7:00 Tuesday 4 March 2008
Speaker: Sue Gollifer
System Simulation Ltd
Bedford Chambers
The Piazza Covent Garden
Sue Gollifer will talk about her artwork, which has developed in the last thirty years according to a rigorous programme of formal experiment, through which sets of relationships evolved between shapes, colours and tones. Her talk will also make reference to a number of digital art exhibitions which she has curated since 1995: ArCade1 1-V, GAMUT I & II and the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery'04 Synaethesia. What lessons if any can be drawn/learnt from any of these exhibitions, particularly ArCade, who's original intention and objective was to demonstrate how using new technology could be used in fine art practices to create, on the one hand, a new media and on the other a hybrid link between both old and new technology, creating a convergence of ideas, disciplines and practices
Sue Gollifer is the Course Leader for an MA in Digital Media Arts and in Printmaking and Professional Practice, at the University of Brighton. She has been a professional artist/printmaker for over 30 years. Her primary research is into 'the impact of new technology within the practice of Fine Art'. She has been the curator of a number of Digital Art Exhibitions including ArCade, the UK Open International Exhibition of Digital Fine Art Prints (1995 – 2007) and the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery'04. She serves on a number of National and International Committees and is the Assistant Editor of Digital Creativity, a Journal published by Taylor Francis/Routledge.