The Question Concerning Interactive Art: Interactivity beyond Technology - Art Beyond Institutions
Mon, 27 Feb 2012

6:30pm Wednesday 6th April 2011
Speaker: Dr. Brigitta Zics
Birkbeck College
Room B30
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX
This lecture will discuss the radical change that technology brought to art practice. It will focus on interaction and on the paradigm shift that brought to aesthetics transform moving the focal point of production from an object oriented creation to an interconnectivity of interactive artwork and participant. It will be suggested that this new paradigm places aesthetics into a hybrid realm of disciplines where understanding human experience became the key element of artistic production. In order to gain insight into this co-existing models of artwork - spectator and human-computer will be presented and compared to the proposed aesthetic model of interactive artwork - participant.
As such, artists apply philosophical and scientific concepts in order to facilitate new experiences which might provide not only artistic and technological interventions but also can serve as testbed of applied philosophy and sciences. Furthermore it will be suggested that emerging interactive art works with the proposed aesthetic modality struggle to fit into existing format of display and distribution offered by institutions. The migration to new platforms has been already characterised; the question that remains whether traditional institution are prepared to rethink their way of distribution or novel methods will take over the display of progressive art.