Annual General Meeting of the Computer Arts Society
Mon, 27 Feb 2012

Thursday 30th September
The Annual General Meeting of the Computer Arts Society BCS SG will be held at 6pm on Thursday 30th September 2010 in Room G12 at Birkbeck, 43 Gordon Square, London.
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous AGM
- Chairman's report
- Treasurer's report
- Election of Branch Officers*
There are vacancies for Membership Secretary and Communications Officer. If you would like to nominate someone, please use the form below.
There is no provision for Any Other Business in the Rules, but any further items of business for the agenda should be notified to Nick Lambert ( by 28th September at the latest.
Following the AGM there will be an informal gathering at the Tavistock Hotel.
We are looking for enthusiastic people who can help to develop CAS in new ways. If you are interested in this opportunity, please get in touch with any of the Officers.
Nominations: Committee Members should be sent by e-mail, to Nick Lambert ( or the Secretary, Alan Sutcliffe ( preferably by 26th Sept but nominations can be accepted from the floor at the AGM. Nominations should be submitted by the nominee to show their consent to nomination. Nominations for election as general Committee members should be BCS members or affiliates and do not require the support of other members.
Where there is more than one nominee for any position an election will be held at the AGM by show of hands. If there is only one nomination they will be declared elected at the AGM and so noted in the minutes.
A suitable form to nominate Officers/Committee Members is provided here:
Call for Committee Nominations
BCS SG Election of Officers and Committee Members
I, [name] [BCS membership number], consent to be nominated as CAS SG Committee memberat the election to take place at: The Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 8th September 2010.
My nomination is supported by:
Proposer: [name] [Mem number]
Seconder: [print name] [Mem number]
*Delete as appropriate; nominations only for general Committee member do not require a Proposer and Seconder.