CAS Talk 1.4: Network Art in a Lockdown Time by Ernest Edmonds

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020, 20:00 - 21:00
Venue: Zoom, The Internet
Ernest Edmonds will start his talk by considering art for a society in lockdown: in the coronavirus crisis. He will distinguish between the delivery of images of art objects over the Internet and network art, that is made for distributed delivery in the first place. The talk will cover his own history of making network art, starting with Communications Game in 1971 and following through to his current distributed AR art project. He will discuss this work in its historic context and will point to implications for the future.
Ernest Edmonds is an artist-researcher who, in 2017, received the ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art. His work is trans-disciplinary, as illustrated by the second 2017 honour: the SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award for the Practice of Computer Human Interaction. He gave his first talk to CAS fifty years ago. His most recent book, "From Fingers to Digits", was written with Margaret Boden and published by MIT Press. Francesca Franco's book about his art, "Generative Systems Art: the work of Ernest Edmonds" (Routledge) has just been published in paperback.