DASH Archives - January 2007

Museums and the Web 2007: Program On-line

From: Paul Brown <paul@PAUL-BROWN.COM>

Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 16:38:34 +1000

[apologies for any duplication; please forward where appropriate]

	 Museums and the Web 2007
	 April 11 - 14, 2007
	 San Francisco, California, USA

	the 11th annual international gathering of the
	best in culture and heritage on the Web

- Preliminary Program Available -
Full abstracts of all accepted papers, workshops mini-workshops, and  
interactions are now on the MW2007 Web site, along with biographies  
of presenters.

We owe a vote of thanks to the members of the MW2007 International  
Program Committee (listed below).  They helped us review over 215  
submissions, and select the 43 papers, 14 mini-workshops and 4  
Professional Forums that make up the core of the MW2007 program.

- Speakers List  On-line -
A full list of speakers, with links to biographies and abstracts is  
available on-line. Once again, we've got an international group of  
presenters from a great mix of institutions.

- You Can Still Participate -
If you missed the deadline for paper proposals, but want to highlight  
your latest work you have until December 31, 2006 to propose to  
demonstrate your Web site.

If you'd like design-related feedback, you can have your site  
featured in the Crit Room. See http://www.archimuse.com/mw2007/ 

There's also the ever popular Usability Lab as a way of getting a  
real-time assessment on your site. See http://www.archimuse.com/ 

We're also looking for topics (and conveners) for Birds of a Feather  
Breakfast, and new Birds of a Feather Lunch Tables. Let us know by  
email to mw2007@archimuse.com if you have an idea for discussion or  
would like to get a group together.

- Best of the Web Nominations -
Nominations are open for the Best of the Web awards, from now until  
January 7, 2007. Tell the judges why your favourite site should be  
the best of the web.

- On-line Registration -
Registration forms for MW2007 are now available. Early registration  
ends December 16, 2006. Please remember that registration rates are  
calculated based on the date payment is received. Give yourself  
enough lead-time to get institutional cheques produced, or use a  
credit card when you register on-line, at the last minute.

- Join Us! -
MW2006 participants say Museums and the Web "stimulate[s] new ways of  
seeing in both the museum + virtual world". We hope you'll join this  
group of  "smart, passionate people, grappling with issues that  
matter" this April, in San Francisco.

All the best,

jennifer and David
Co-Chairs, Museums and the Web 2007

- MW2007 Program Committee -

Peter Bruce, Director General, Information Technology Branch, Library  
and Archives of Canada, Canada
Sebastian Chan, Manager Web Services, Powerhouse Museum, Australia
Rich Cherry, Director of Administration, Operations and Finance  
Skirball Cultural Center, USA
Costis Dallas, Lecturer in Cultural Heritage Management and Advanced  
Technologies, Department of Communication, Media and Culture,  
Panteion University, and Vice Chairman, PRC Group SA, Greece
Marthe de Vet, Head of Education and Public Services, Van Gogh  
Museum, The Netherlands
Jim Devine, Head of Multimedia, Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery,  
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Gail Durbin, Head of V&A OnLine, Victoria & Albert Museum, United  
Jane Finnis, Director, 24 Hour Museum, United Kingdom
Franca Garzotto, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and  
Information, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Kati Geber, Manager, Research and Business Intelligence, Canadian  
Heritage Information Network, Canada
Stefan Göbel, Digital Storytelling, Head, ZGDV Darmstadt e.V., Germany
Timothy Hart, Director, Information Multimedia & Technology, Museum  
Victoria, Australia
Susan Hazan, Curator of New Media, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel
Eero Hyvönen, Professor, Laboratory of Media Technology, Helsinki  
University of Technology (TKK), Finland
Michael Jenkins, Manager, Met Images, Office of the Director, The  
Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA
Brian Kelly, Team Leader and Web Focus, UKOLN, United Kingdom
Mike Lowndes, Interactive Media Manager, The Natural History Museum,  
United Kingdom
Paul Marty, Assistant Professor, College of Information, Florida  
State University, USA
James Michalko, Vice President of RLG-Programs Development, OCLC-RLG,  
Dana Mitroff, Head of Online Services, San Francisco Museum of Modern  
Art, USA
Kris Morrissey, Director, Museum Studies, Michigan State University, USA
Liddy Nevile, Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science and  
Computer Engineering, La Trobe University, Australia
Ross Parry, Lecturer in Museums and New Media, Department of Museum  
Studies, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Darren Peacock, School of Management, University of South Australia,  
Jemima Rellie, Head of Digital Programmes, Tate, United Kingdom
Ed Rodley, Content Developer, Research, Development & Production,  
Museum of Science, Boston, USA
Stephanie Stebich, Director, Tacoma Art Museum, USA
Christopher J. Terry, President & CEO, Canada Science and Technology  
Museum Corporation, Canada
Kevin von Appen, Associate Director, Daily Experience Operations,  
Ontario Science Centre, Canada
Bruce Wyman, Director of New Technologies, Denver Art Museum, USA

Jennifer Trant and David Bearman
Co-Chairs: Museums and the Web 2007	produced by
April 11 - 14, 2007, San Francisco, CA	Archives & Museum Informatics
http://www.archimuse.com/mw2007/	158 Lee Avenue
email: mw2007@archimuse.com		Toronto, Ontario, Canada
phone +1 416 691 2516 / fax +1 416 352-6025

Paul Brown - based in OZ Dec 06 - Mar 07
mailto:paul@paul-brown.com == http://www.paul-brown.com
OZ Landline +61 (0)7 5443 3491 == USA fax +1 309 216 9900
OZ Mobile +61 (0)419 72 74 85 == Skype paul-g-brown
Visiting Professor - Sussex University

cfp: Special Issue of the International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) in Cultural Heritage.

From: Paul Brown <paul@PAUL-BROWN.COM>

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 08:32:14 +1000

(**********Please forward this info to interested colleagues, and  
please excuse
multiple postings. Thank you! *******)
Dear Madame/Sir,

The editors of the International Journal of the Architectural Computing
(IJAC) would like to wish you health, happiness, and success for the New
Year 2007. Furthermore, we would like to announce that the deadline to
submit papers to the 'ACADIA-supervised' issue of IJAC is February15,  

The theme of this issue is "Cultural Heritage" and it focuses on the  
role of
digital technologies in preserving, documenting, archiving, visualizing,
presenting and analyzing cultural heritage sites and works of  

The attached announcement includes the call for papers and all relevant

For more information please visit the following webpages:
- Submission guidelines:

- IJAC Journal: http://www.architecturalcomputing.org/html/jour/ 

- Architectural Computing Organization:

- ACADIA: http://www.acadia.org/  and http://www.acadia.org/ijac

We would appreciate it if you would distribute this announcement to any
interested colleagues.

Best regards,
Marinos Ioannides and
Loukas Kalisperis

From Technological to Virtual Art :: Frank Popper

From: Joseph Nechvatal <joseph_nechvatal@HOTMAIL.COM>

Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 07:37:45 +0000

Dear All

Happy to let you know that the long-awaited Frank Popper book "From 
Technological to Virtual Art" has finally come out of MIT. I have a copy on 
my desk.

You can order it at Amazon.


Please help build up the Frank Popper page at wikipedia which I started:

Frank Popper is a highly respected historian of art and technology and 
Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics and the Science of Art at the University of 
Paris VIII. He is the author of the books: 'Origins and Development of 
Kinetic Art', 'Art, Action, and Participation', 'Art of the Electronic Age'.

Thanks and Happy New Year.

Dr. Joseph Nechvatal


Your Hotmail address already works to sign into Windows Live Messenger! Get 
it now 

Final cfp - CADE: Computers in Art and Design Education [Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth: 12-14 September 2007]

From: Paul Brown <paul@PAUL-BROWN.COM>

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 13:14:33 +1000

Please Forward-

Call for Papers and Abstract Submissions: abstract submission for refereed papers
EXTENDED DEADLINE - 24 January 2007

STILLNESS: 2007 Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth
Education Program: International Conference

CADE: Computers in Art and Design Education

12 - 14 September 2007, Perth, Western Australia

Conference website: http://www.beap.org/
Follow link to conferences for

The Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP) is Australia's pre-eminent festival dedicated to showcasing innovative works of art in the areas of new media, electronic screen, sound and interactive media and is the largest and most visionary electronic arts event in the region.

Through a broad program of exhibitions, conferences and public talks, BEAP provides a focus for discussion and exploration of the emergent aesthetic, social and technological implications that surround the electronic arts, in all its possible forms, whether visual, audio, interactive, temporal, experiential, digital, 'bio' or 'nano'.

The Computers in Art and Design Education (CADE) conference is a major international event for those interested in the exploration of ideas at the intersection of pedagogy, arts, design, science, and technology. The 2007 conference will provide a focus for shared learning, dialogue and interaction that directly informs professional methodologies and practice.

In 2007 CADE partners with the Biennale for its first conference outside Europe, creating a new focus for exploring the latest research and practice within creative arts education at the point where the 'digital' is both a challenge and a strength.

Perth, the capital of the state of Western Australia, has a distinct creative community that celebrates the uniqueness of Western Australia's stunning bio-diverse environment and combines Indigenous, European and Southeast Asian cultures.

Internationally recognised for its commitment to research in bio and electronic arts in tertiary education, Perth welcomes delegates to explore and reflect on global perspectives from a pivotal point within the Asia-Pacific region.

Conference theme

We invite educators, theorists and creative arts practitioners to meet in Perth, Australia, to explore the paradox of "Stillness."

"Stillness" is the theme for the 2007 Biennale. The concept of "stillness" will become an anchor for events in the ceaseless flows of data and provide a reflective moment for new ideas to emerge and interact, explode or coalesce, blossom or fade.

BEAP will be supporting and encouraging a community of artists to explore:
        *       Stillness as Sound
        *       Stillness as Bio
        *       Stillness as Data
        *       Stillness as Duration

CADE will challenge you to confront these conceptual issues.

Call for papers
We invite contributions for paper presentations, posters and panel discussions that address the conference theme of "stillness." Papers should provide theoretical understanding, analysis and documentation of creative arts and digital technologies and related contexts for educational development.

The term creative arts includes: new media, multimedia, web design, interactive arts, computer games and mixed media performance and traditional disciplines (such as fine arts, sculpture, photography, printmaking, fashion and textiles, graphic design, illustration, 3D design, product design interior design, architecture, drama, theatre, dance and music).

All submitted abstracts, poster submissions and papers will be double blind peer reviewed by an international panel. Submissions accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings.

500-word abstracts required by 12 January 2007
Full submission can be made through the conference website.
Follow link to conferences for

Join us in Perth - 12 - 14 September 2007.

Conference Convenors
Suzette Worden, Professor of Design, Curtin University of Technology, s.worden@curtin.edu.au
Lelia Green, Professor of Communications, Edith Cowan University, l.green@ecu.edu.au
Paul Thomas, Artistic Director, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, paul.thomas@beap.org


Paul Brown - based in OZ Dec 06 - Mar 07
OZ Landline +61 (0)7 5443 3491 == USA fax +1 309 216 9900
OZ Mobile +61 (0)419 72 74 85 == Skype paul-g-brown
Visiting Professor - Sussex University

Please Forward-

Call for Papers and Abstract Submissions: abstract submission for  
refereed papers
EXTENDED DEADLINE - 24 January 2007

STILLNESS: 2007 Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth
Education Program: International Conference

CADE: Computers in Art and Design Education

12 - 14 September 2007, Perth, Western Australia

Conference website: http://www.beap.org/
Follow link to conferences for

The Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP) is Australia's pre- 
eminent festival dedicated to showcasing innovative works of art in  
the areas of new media, electronic screen, sound and interactive  
media and is the largest and most visionary electronic arts event in  
the region.

Through a broad program of exhibitions, conferences and public talks,  
BEAP provides a focus for discussion and exploration of the emergent  
aesthetic, social and technological implications that surround the  
electronic arts, in all its possible forms, whether visual, audio,  
interactive, temporal, experiential, digital, 'bio' or 'nano'.

The Computers in Art and Design Education (CADE) conference is a  
major international event for those interested in the exploration of  
ideas at the intersection of pedagogy, arts, design, science, and  
technology. The 2007 conference will provide a focus for shared  
learning, dialogue and interaction that directly informs professional  
methodologies and practice.

In 2007 CADE partners with the Biennale for its first conference  
outside Europe, creating a new focus for exploring the latest  
research and practice within creative arts education at the point  
where the 'digital' is both a challenge and a strength.

Perth, the capital of the state of Western Australia, has a distinct  
creative community that celebrates the uniqueness of Western  
Australia's stunning bio-diverse environment and combines Indigenous,  
European and Southeast Asian cultures.

Internationally recognised for its commitment to research in bio and  
electronic arts in tertiary education, Perth welcomes delegates to  
explore and reflect on global perspectives from a pivotal point  
within the Asia-Pacific region.

Conference theme

We invite educators, theorists and creative arts practitioners to  
meet in Perth, Australia, to explore the paradox of "Stillness."

"Stillness" is the theme for the 2007 Biennale. The concept of  
"stillness" will become an anchor for events in the ceaseless flows  
of data and provide a reflective moment for new ideas to emerge and  
interact, explode or coalesce, blossom or fade.

BEAP will be supporting and encouraging a community of artists to  
         *       Stillness as Sound
         *       Stillness as Bio
         *       Stillness as Data
         *       Stillness as Duration

CADE will challenge you to confront these conceptual issues.

Call for papers
We invite contributions for paper presentations, posters and panel  
discussions that address the conference theme of "stillness." Papers  
should provide theoretical understanding, analysis and documentation  
of creative arts and digital technologies and related contexts for  
educational development.

The term creative arts includes: new media, multimedia, web design,  
interactive arts, computer games and mixed media performance and  
traditional disciplines (such as fine arts, sculpture, photography,  
printmaking, fashion and textiles, graphic design, illustration, 3D  
design, product design interior design, architecture, drama, theatre,  
dance and music).

All submitted abstracts, poster submissions and papers will be double  
blind peer reviewed by an international panel. Submissions accepted  
and presented at the conference will be published in the conference  

500-word abstracts required by 12 January 2007
Full submission can be made through the conference website.

Follow link to conferences for

Join us in Perth - 12 - 14 September 2007.

Conference Convenors
Suzette Worden, Professor of Design, Curtin University of Technology,  
Lelia Green, Professor of Communications, Edith Cowan University,  
Paul Thomas, Artistic Director, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth,  

Paul Brown - based in OZ Dec 06 - Mar 07
mailto:paul@paul-brown.com == http://www.paul-brown.com
OZ Landline +61 (0)7 5443 3491 == USA fax +1 309 216 9900
OZ Mobile +61 (0)419 72 74 85 == Skype paul-g-brown
Visiting Professor - Sussex University

ImMEDIAte ART - Cracow - prof. dr. Oliver GRAU's - lecture

From: Katarzyna Wozniak <katarzyna.wozniak@GMX.DE>

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 18:27:05 +0100


Manggha – Centre of Japanese Art and Technology in Cracow
and Katarzyna WOZNIAK (curator)

are happy to invite you to a lecture of

prof. dr. OLIVER GRAU


Virtual Art of the 19th century and its utopic future"

on Thursday, January 18th 2007 6 p.m.
26 Konopnicka Street, Krakow

What is really new in Media Art? Also our latest Media Art has its forerunners. The Phantasmagoria, developed from the Laterna Magica and part of the history of immersion, opened up the virtual depth of the image space for the first time as a sphere of dynamic changes. In the Phantasmagoria, phenomena come together that we are again experiencing in contemporary art and visual representation - the talk will discuss a number of contemporary media artists. 

In contrast to the Panorama, the Phantasmagoria suggests that contact can be established to the psyche, the dead or artificial life forms. It is a model for the functioning of illusionism, a material image machine as basis of an art work that appears immaterial.


Oliver GRAU is an international known mediaart expert, he lectured in numerous parts of the world, received various awards and is widely published. Grau art historian and profesor for Image Science at Danube University Krems.

He is head of the German Science Foundation project Immersive Art. Since 2000 he is developing with his team the first international Database of Virtual Art:


His research focuses on the history of immersion and emotions the history, idea and culture of telepresence, genetic art, and artificial intelligence. Grau is an elected member of the Young Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. 

Recently he was director of Refresh! First International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Banff 2005.
Recent publication: Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion, MIT-Press2003. (4th print) and
Mediale Emotionen, Frankfurt 2005; forthcoming: Oliver Grau (Ed.): MediaArtHistories, MIT Press 2007: 



The aim of the ImMEDIAte ART project is to acquaint the general public with New Media Art. We would like to achieve this by organising a series of lectures, on the one hand, of eminent theoreticians in this field offering a point of view deep-rooted in history, on the other, renowned artists who will present their works and will discuss the impact of latest technological changes on their artistic practice. Two complementary cycles are to provide the listeners with an in-depth panorama of these fascinating phenomena. 

We believe that the visits of our guests and their contribution to this project will be an important stimulus for an intellectual debate and, consequently, an inspiration for the artistic milieu. 

ImMEDIAte ART was inaugurated on 5th December 2006 with the lecture of dr Söke Dinkla who talked about the history of interactive art. The lecture was a co-operation with the Goethe Institute in Krakow. From now on, the lectures will be given on regular, monthly, basis. 

All the events are to take place in Manggha - Centre of Japanese Art and Technology designed by Arata Isozaki: 



We would like to thank our sponsor - Hotel STARY in Cracow

Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! 
Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer

Job: Research Fellow in Electronic Arts, London -- now open for application

From: Stephen Boyd Davis <s.boyd-davis@MDX.AC.UK>

Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 20:46:14 +0000

-- Apologies for cross-posting --

Research Fellow in Electronic Arts
Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts
Middlesex University
�25,723 - �31,933
For funding reasons this post is not available part-time.
Closing date 29 January 2007.
For more detail please see http://www.mdx.ac.uk/jobs (job description and application pack).
An opportunity to undertake research at the Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts, a 
multidisciplinary research centre with an international reputation.  See more at: http://
Possible areas of research include Sonic Arts, Interactive Media, and Film, Video and Interactive 
Arts, but applicants are welcome to make proposals which extend the Centre�s current range of 
activities. Applications are welcome from those with art, design, science or other backgrounds. 
You will be expected to produce research outputs of national, and preferably international, 
You should:
� have a research degree, normally a PhD, or a clear indication that you are about to successfully 
complete a PhD
� have experience of producing research outputs, which may be written or practice-based
� ideally have experience of writing successful funding proposals.
For an informal discussion about this post please contact Stephen Boyd Davis: s.boyd-
To apply please download an application pack from http://www.mdx.ac.uk/jobs or contact us 
requesting an application pack quoting the reference ARTS138.
Email: recruit1@mdx.ac.uk
Telephone: UK 020 8411 6110

Recruitment Office, Middlesex University,
North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South,
London N11 1QS. 

Stephen Boyd Davis
Head, Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts
Middlesex University, Cat Hill, Barnet, Herts  EN4 8HT
United Kingdom
Tel 44 (0)20 8411 5072
The Centre's Web Pages are at http://www.cea.mdx.ac.uk/

'Internet Histories' cfp

From: Paul Brown <paul@PAUL-BROWN.COM>

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2007 05:43:14 +1000

'Internet Histories'
a pre-AoIR 8.0 workshop
October 16, 2007
Vancouver, Canada

Despite the fact that the Internet is entering its fifth decade, the
understanding and writing of its histories is very much in its infancy.
In this one-day workshop, to be held 16 October 2007 directly before the
Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) 8.0 conference
(http://conferences.aoir.org), we aim to explore the questions,
assumptions, investments, frameworks, concepts, methods, biases,
opportunities, archives, narratives, tropes, and logics that underlie
the Internet�s diverse histories.

In particular, in the spirit of our 2006 �Internationalising Internet
Studies� workshop
we start from the notion that the history of Internet uptake has been
widely divergent across cultures and regions. In Asia, in particular,
the initial PC-based phase of connectivity typical of the US and Europe,
has not been replicated. Instead, Internet penetration was achieved via
a variety of mobile devices, including Internet-enabled cell phones
resulting in very different cultures of use and practice.

Accordingly, we call for papers on Internet histories, including, but
certainly not limited to the following issues:

� what sorts of Internet histories are currently available, or in
progress � whether national, country-specific, local, subcultural,
community, or transnational and translocal?
� what are the histories and trajectories currently missing and why do
these particular lacunae exist? What histories of the Internet are being
foreclosed, overlooked, or not yet imagined, and what are the
implications of this?
� who is currently writing, reading, collecting, valorising, or even
enshrining Internet histories?
� what are the dominant accounts of Internet history, or dominant
assumptions regarding these?
� what histories do we have of Latin American, African, Oceanic, or
Asian Internet, for instance, compared to European or North American
� what challenges does doing Internet history pose? what is specific
about Internet history compared to histories of media, communications,
or other technologies, or broad social or cultural histories?
� how do our understandings of Internet and mobile technologies and
cultures vary depending on the kinds of quite specific histories that
condition these?
� how do a researcher�s own culture and patterns of use determine the
kinds of questions s/he may raise concerning the history of �the  

This project brings together researchers working on country-specific and
regional histories of the Internet as well as those researching Internet
use by local and transnational subcultures and communities. This will be
the first of what is anticipated to be a series of workshops, leading to
an edited collection aimed at understanding the different historical
patterns of Internet deployment and cultural and technological  

We welcome abstracts of no more than 500 words by Monday 16 April 2007.
Please send your abstract to both organisers: Gerard Goggin
(gerard.goggin@arts.usyd.edu.au) and Mark McLelland (markmc@uow.edu.au).

Acceptance will be advised by the end of April 2007. Subsequent to
acceptance, presenters will need to register for the workshop and the
AoIR conference via the AoIR online conference registration system.
Please note that acceptance of your paper at the pre-conference workshop
does not preclude you from also submitting a different paper to the main

For those selected, papers of 5,000 words will be due by mid-September
2007. Following the workshop, papers will be considered for inclusion in
an edited collection on Internet Histories.

The project website is:

About the organisers:

Gerard Goggin is an ARC Australian Research Fellow in the Dept of Media
and Communications, University of Sydney, Australia. His books include
Cell Phone Culture (Routledge, 2006), Virtual Nation: The Internet in
Australia (2004), and Digital Disability (Rowman & Littlefield, 2003),
and he is currently working on a study of global mobile media.

Mark McLelland lectures in Sociology in the School of Social Sciences,
Media and Communications at the University of Wollongong. His
publications include Japanese Cybercultures (2000) and Queer Japan from
the Pacific War to the Internet Age (2005).

Gerard and Mark are editors of Internationalizing Internet Studies
(Routledge, 2007).


Dr Gerard Goggin
ARC Australian Research Fellow
Editor, 'Media International Australia'
Department of Media and Communications
The University of Sydney
e-mail: gerard.goggin@arts.usyd.edu.au
p: +61 2 9036 6424  f: 61 2 9351 5444

cfp: MutaMorphosis - deadline approaching

From: Paul Brown <paul@PAUL-BROWN.COM>

Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 10:06:07 +1000

Reminder of the 1st Call for Abstracts


Deadline 31st of January 2007

MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Sciences

8th - 10th of November 2007, Prague, Czech Republic

The international conference will concentrate on the growing interest --
within the worlds of the arts, sciences and technologies -- in  
HOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS. These environments appear as symptomatic  
indicators of
the mutations that are taking place; they are potential vectors that  
possible an awareness of the different problems at the origin of the
disturbances that threaten the ensemble of the Earth's eco-systems.

We invite practitioners in the arts, sciences, engineering and  
humanities to
submit abstracts that explore the limits and extremes within the  
streams of interest:

How do the arts and sciences deal with new ideas about strategies of  
life in
extreme conditions?

How do the arts and sciences face radical scales and extreme  

How do the arts and sciences address evolving ideas about cognition in
extreme environments?

500-word abstracts required by 31st of January 2007 via email to

All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the members of
International Advisory Committee including Lorella Abenavoli, Marc  
Nina Czegeldy, Hans Diebner, Michele Emmer, Machiko Kusahara, Lubica
Lacinova, Michael Punt, Jaroslav Petr, Nicolas Reeves and others.
Submissions accepted and presented at the conference will be  
published in
the conference proceedings.

The conference is organised by CIANT as part of the ENTER festival in  
framework of the Leonardo 40th anniversary celebrations. The festival  
feature also the first retrospective exhibition of Frank J. Malina.

Conference Honorary Panel: Rudolf Arnheim, Ivan M. Havel, Frank Popper,
Sonya Rapoport, Jasia Reichardt, Itsuo Sakane, Sonia Sheridan

Join us in Prague 8th - 10th of November 2007.

"CG101: 2nd Edition" announcement ..

From: Terrence Masson <terrence.masson@GMAIL.COM>

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:39:05 -0500

Friends of DASH,
I wanted to let you all know about the new 2nd Edition (Feb. '07) of my book "CG101: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference" ... here is a link to a recent press release :
.. The first edition sold out and proved very popular with digital artists, teachers and students, but also with Producers, Executives, and lots of other management folks .. I think many of you would find the unique historical interviews in "CG101" as fascinating (and funny) to read as they were for me to write. (Some members of this very list were contributors as a matter of fact)
I would love to contact as many young people as possible, and also older generation folks interested in reading about animation and digital art history. Any help or advice in "spreading the word" would be most appreciated.
p.s. (I self published this edition and if anyone would like to know how much work it is to write, layout and publish a 500 page book .. just ask and I'll be glad to give you all the details!)
Best wishes

Terrence Masson
Computer Animation Festival Chair

Friends of DASH,
I wanted to let you all know about the new 2nd Edition (Feb. '07) of my book
"CG101: A Computer Graphics Industry Reference" ... here is a link to a
recent press release :

.. The first edition sold out and proved very popular with digital artists,
teachers and students, but also with Producers, Executives, and lots of
other management folks .. I think many of you would find the unique
historical interviews in "CG101" as fascinating (and funny) to read as they
were for me to write. (Some members of this very list were contributors as a
matter of fact)

I would love to contact as many young people as possible, and also older
generation folks interested in reading about animation and digital art
history. Any help or advice in "spreading the word" would be most

p.s. (I self published this edition and if anyone would like to know how
much work it is to write, layout and publish a 500 page book .. just ask and
I'll be glad to give you all the details!)

 Best wishes
Terrence Masson
Computer Animation Festival Chair

MediaArtHistories : Anthology on the Histories of Media Art

From: Oliver Grau <oliver.grau@DONAU-UNI.AC.AT>

Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2007 23:43:18 +0100

Dear Colleagues and friends,
it is with great pleasure to announce
our common work:
We, the authors, would be delighted in your interest
in this first international Anthology on the Histories
of Mediaart.
With many regards for 2007!
Oliver Grau
Dear Colleagues and friends, 
it is with great pleasure to announce 
our common work: 
We, the authors, would be delighted in your interest 
in this first international Anthology on the Histories 
of Mediaart. 
With many regards for 2007! 
Oliver Grau 