DASH Archives - March 2011

Transcript of VARIATIONS #1, by Jon Leidecker, episode #1 of the series on appropiative collage

From: Paul Brown <paul@PAUL-BROWN.COM>

Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 08:35:50 +1000

Transcript of VARIATIONS #1, by Jon Leidecker

Do not miss this amazing journey into the history of appropiative collage!

VARIATIONS #1. Transition
The first episode of this overview of appropriative collage in music covers the years 1909 through 1961, beginning with Charles Ives, who composed in a cut and paste style with sheet music in a way that anticipated what later composers would do with multi-track tapes and mixers. We skip through decades to arrive at 'Twisting The Dials', the Happiness Boys' 1928 tribute to late night radio surfing, before moving to John Cage's proto-sampling pieces for radio and tape, 'Credo In US' and the 'Imaginary Landscapes'. We witness the million-selling cut-in records of Buchanan and Goodman and the resulting lawsuits, Richard Maxfield's tape cut-ups of a sermonizing preacher, and conclude with James Tenney's dedicated dissection of a single recording of Elvis: 'Collage No. 1', the first remix.

The concept of an original work of music, attributible to and owned by a single author is a fairly recent development. Music was passed on through generations as an oral culture, communicated through sound itself across generations, even for centuries after the invention of written music. Only by the fourteenth century had it become standard practice for a composer to sign his name to a piece of music, slowly reenforcing the concept of the author as individual creator.

Epsiode #1: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/curatorial?id_capsula=499
MP3: http://rwm.macba.cat/uploads/variations/01_Variations.mp3

More info: http://rwm.macba.cat/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Radio_Web_MACBA

Paul Brown - based in OZ February to August 2011
OZ Landline +61 (0)7 3391 0094 == USA fax +1 309 216 9900
OZ Mobile +61 (0)419 72 74 85 == Skype paul-g-brown
Synapse Artist-in-Residence - Deakin University
Honorary Visiting Professor - Sussex University

Forwarded from SPECTRE:  http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

Transcript of VARIATIONS #1, by Jon Leidecker ☞ http://bit.ly/ggLzop 

Do not miss this amazing journey into the history of appropiative collage!

VARIATIONS #1. Transition
The first episode of this overview of appropriative collage in music covers the years 1909 through 1961, beginning with Charles Ives, who composed in a cut and paste style with sheet music in a way that anticipated what later composers would do with multi-track tapes and mixers. We skip through decades to arrive at 'Twisting The Dials', the Happiness Boys' 1928 tribute to late night radio surfing, before moving to John Cage's proto-sampling pieces for radio and tape, 'Credo In US' and the 'Imaginary Landscapes'. We witness the million-selling cut-in records of Buchanan and Goodman and the resulting lawsuits, Richard Maxfield's tape cut-ups of a sermonizing preacher, and conclude with James Tenney's dedicated dissection of a single recording of Elvis: 'Collage No. 1', the first remix.

The concept of an original work of music, attributible to and owned by a single author is a fairly recent development. Music was passed on through generations as an oral culture, communicated through sound itself across generations, even for centuries after the invention of written music. Only by the fourteenth century had it become standard practice for a composer to sign his name to a piece of music, slowly reenforcing the concept of the author as individual creator.

Epsiode #1: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/curatorial?id_capsula=499
MP3: http://rwm.macba.cat/uploads/variations/01_Variations.mp3

More info: http://rwm.macba.cat/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Radio_Web_MACBA

Paul Brown - based in OZ February to August 2011
mailto:paul@paul-brown.com == http://www.paul-brown.com
OZ Landline +61 (0)7 3391 0094 == USA fax +1 309 216 9900
OZ Mobile +61 (0)419 72 74 85 == Skype paul-g-brown
Synapse Artist-in-Residence - Deakin University
Honorary Visiting Professor - Sussex University

A Historical Context of Furtherfield by Marc Garrett - Talk at Birkbeck University.

From: Paul Brown <paul@PAUL-BROWN.COM>

Date: Sat, 26 Mar 2011 12:22:14 +1000

From Marc Garrett via [SPECTRE] http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

Sorry for any cross posting...

This coming Tuesday, Marc Garrett will be presenting 'A Historical Context of Furtherfield' at Birkbeck University.

All are welcome and it's free, but because well over half of the seats are already filled, please contact Nick Lambert as soon as possible for arrangements nick.lambert@gmail.com

Tuesday 29th March 2011
Room 122
From 7:40-9.00 pm
Department of History of Art & Screen Media
Birkbeck, University of London
43 Gordon Square,
London, WC1H 0PD

Marc Garrett (UK), an activist, artist and writer and co-director and co-founder (with artist Ruth Catlow) of internet arts collectives and communities furtherfield.org, netbehaviour.org and the Furtherfield Gallery (formerly known as HTTP Gallery) (http://www.furtherfield.org/programmes/exhibitions)in London.

Through these platforms various contemporary media arts exhibitions and projects are presented nationally and internationally. Marc also hosts a weekly media arts radio programme on Resonance FM (http://www.furtherfield.org/programmes/radio) and last year co-edited the publication "Artists Re: thinking games" (http://www.furtherfield.org/researchpublicatios/artists-rethinking-games). He is currently undertaking a PhD at Birkbeck University, London. www.furtherfield.org

Paul Brown - based in OZ February to August 2011
mailto:paul@paul-brown.com == http://www.paul-brown.com
OZ Landline +61 (0)7 3391 0094 == USA fax +1 309 216 9900
OZ Mobile +61 (0)419 72 74 85 == Skype paul-g-brown
Synapse Artist-in-Residence - Deakin University
Honorary Visiting Professor - Sussex University

CFP: CIHA 2012 in Nuremberg

From: Oliver Grau <Oliver.Grau@DONAU-UNI.AC.AT>

Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:22:10 +0200

This important international (traditional) art history conference needs
proposals which focus on media art too!!
Would encourage to send proposals for the apropriate sessions.


CFP: CIHA 2012 in Nuremberg

Nürnberg, July 15-17, 2012
Deadline: Apr 30, 2011

CIHA 2012 in Nuremberg

33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art 
July 15th-20th 2012

The Challenge of the Object
Die Herausforderung des Objekts

From July 15 to 20, 2012 the Germanisches Nationalmuseum is hosting the

33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art in 
Nuremberg and invites art historians from all over the world to attend

and discuss "The Challenge of the Object". The object and how it is 
perceived in art history is a question that is currently very highly 
charged, the result of increasing globalization and digitalization. Art

and cultural historians from all over the world, from a vast 
cross-section of disciplines and fields of professional interest are 
called upon to discuss together the role and the theory of the object 
in art history. The topics are divided into 21 sections with up to 20 
talks each. The sections should enable a comparison to be made between

the different viewpoints and methods. For that reason they are 
categorized according to how their questions on the object in art 
history are formulated. This should allow talks on different genres, 
epochs and countries to be brought together.

The congress will be rounded off with an extensive supporting program 
with excursions, for example to Documenta in Kassel, and a wide-ranging

program for young academics. At the same time the Germanisches 
Nationalmuseum will be presenting the important special exhibition on 
"The Early Dürer".

The Call for Papers ends on April 30, 2011. From November 2011, 
registration for participation without a presentation is also

Detailed descriptions of the individual sections as well as information

on the congress and the Call for Papers can be found under 


CIHA 2012 in Nürnberg

33. Internationaler Kunsthistoriker-Kongress
15.-20.Juli 2012

Die Herausforderung des Objekts
Die The Challenge of the Object

Vom 15. bis 20. Juli 2012 lädt das Germanische Nationalmuseum nach 
Nürnberg ein, um auf dem 33. Internationalen Kunsthistoriker-Kongress 
über die *Herausforderung des Objekts* zu diskutieren. Die Frage nach

dem Objekt und seiner Wahrnehmung in der Kunstgeschichte hat angesichts

zunehmender Globalisierung und der Digitalisierung eine ganz neue 
Brisanz gewonnen. Kunst- und Kulturhistoriker aller Kontinente, 
Fachrichtungen und Berufsfelder sind aufgerufen, miteinander die Rolle

und die Theorie des Objektes in der Kunstgeschichte zu diskutieren. Die

Themen verteilen sich in 21 Sektionen mit jeweils bis zu 20 Vorträgen.

Die Sektionen sollen einen Vergleich zwischen den verschiedenen 
Sichtweisen und Methoden ermöglichen. Daher sind sie nach 
unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen zum Objekt in der Kunstgeschichte 
gegliedert, die es erlauben, Vorträge zu diversen Gattungen, Epochen 
und Kontinenten zusammenzufassen.

Ein umfangreiches Begleitprogramm mit Exkursionen, u. a. zur Documenta

13 in Kassel, sowie ein breites Programm für Nachwuchswissenschaftler 
runden den Kongress ab. Das Germanische Nationalmuseum zeigt 
gleichzeitig die große Sonderausstellung *Der frühe Dürer*.

Bis 30. April 2011 werden Bewerbungen für Vorträge erbeten. Ab November

2011 sind ferner Anmeldungen zur Teilnahme ohne Vortrag möglich.

Ausführliche Beschreibungen zu den einzelnen Sektionen sowie 
Informationen zum Kongress und den Ausschreibungen siehe unter 

CIHA 2012 
Kornmarkt 1, 90402 Nürnberg 
Telefax: 0049-(0)911-1331-210
Internet: www.ciha2012.de 
Dr. Petra Krutisch
  Telefon: 0049-(0)911-1331-184
Dr. des. Almuth Klein
  Telefon: 0049-(0)911-1331-164

Reference / Quellennachweis:
CFP: CIHA 2012 in Nuremberg. In: H-ArtHist, Mar 27, 2011. 


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