This page has been archived by the Computer Arts Society.
Ideas Before Their Time -
Connecting the past and present in Computer Art The symposium was held on Wednesday 3rd February 2010 at the British Computer Society in Covent Garden, in conjunction with the Computer Arts Society Theme Keynote: Brian Reffin-Smith Session 2: Computer Art & Time Session 3: Computer Art & Space Session 4: Computer Art & Output Session 5: Computer Art & Technocultures
Programme Outline 8.30 am Registration 09.10 am Introduction to the Day 09.30 am Session 1: Computer Art & Cybernetics 11.00 am Session 2: Computer Art & Time 12.30 pm Lunch 1.30 pm Session 3: Computer Art & Space 3.00 pm Session 4: Computer Art & Output 4.30 pm Break 5.00 pm Session 5: Computer Art & Technocultures 6:00 pm Conference Finish 6:30 pm Reception and Event with the Computer Arts Society Note: Ideas before their Time was followed by a two-day conference at the Victoria and Albert Museum on 4-5 February, entitled Decoding the Digital.
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