CAS Talks: Short Talks

Date: Tue, 05 May 2020, 20:00 - 21:30
Venue: Zoom, The Internet
Featuring short talks by:
- Nancy Jo Ward
- Balandino Di Donato from the University of Leicester creates interactive digital performances and installations exploiting interaction design.
- Benjamin Baxter (and colleagues) from Aalborg University Art and Technology Dept. We are making a prototype VR-Archive/platform for creators to contribute their work (old or new) that can be visited for free by any interested viewers.
- Aphra Shemza. Art in Flux.
- Daniela De Paulis from SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Committee will be talking about her work across radio astronomy and neuroscience.
- Roger Saunders - Doing more with the Digit Graphic. Painting moving pictures by numbers.
- Dave Everitt & Fania Raczinski.
- Brian Reffin Smith. Artist and writer. Collège of 'Pataphysics, Paris. Lives in Berlin. Topic: "Inside out".
- Jonathan Armour. A post-disciplinary exploration of the body, the person within and the skin which mediates between us.